Коледна почивка: 16-23 декември. В този период може да взимате ваучери.

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Every woman needs a woman's time to herself! Become part of our community of women who want to grow and nurture their body and soul.
Take a time for yourself
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May you nurture your femininity and personal development every week!

Our weekly meetings are extremely varied: art therapies, what ceremonies, workshops where we will make natural cosmetics, SPA therapies of body and face, yoga, reiki, tarot, tantra, sound therapy, astrology and numerology and more interesting and useful sessions.

Spa and massages

Feel good in your skin!


Organic and luxury cosmetics

Cacao ceremony

To unlock female energy

Tantra and Yoga workshops

For a deeper connection with yourself
and the others

ReviewsВече 10 години нашите клиенти ни се доверяват!

Coming events

Women's cocoa ceremonies, sound therapies, tantra evenings and many more events that will help you not only to diversify your daily life, but also to enrich your soul!

Villa Charodeya

Our retreats are held in a very special place... Villa Enchantress is a space to connect with roots, land and nature.

Little secrets - coming soon

Ayurvedic balancing oils

Ayurvedic balancing oils for the soul- several mixes for harmony, release from anger and blockages. Vata: basil, orange, geranium, carnation,...

Home restorative therapy for beautiful hair

2 tablespoons shea butter+1 tablespoon unrefined coconut oil+1 tablespoon jojoba oil. Melt in a water bath...

Recipe for homemade facial cleansing oil

For normal skin: 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil(Organic) + 3 tablespoons of castor oil. For oily skin: 1 tablespoon of shea butter...

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